Mourning University of Maiduguri defies Boko Haram threats, continues exams, academic activities


University of Maiduguri, where suicide bombers struck two days ago, had never suffered any Boko Haram attack throughout period of insurgency. The recent attack which left two people including a professor of Veterinary Medicine, Professor Aliyu Mani dead, therefore came as shocker to many. However, the university which is holding its first semester examination refused to give in to the rigors of the terrorists' threats; hence continued with its exams and other academic activities.

Though exams which were to be written the day the bomb went off were rescheduled to January 30, 2017, the rest continued as scheduled.

This reporter went round popular reading centres of the university in the night where he found determined students reading.

Some of whom this reporter spoke to said that 'though the attack was sad, they believe God will protect them', adding that, 'they are confident no similar attack will occur again'.

As at the time of filling this report, this reporter could not establish contact with relevant authorities of the university as to the measures taken to avoid a similar incident.

Muhammad M Ari

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