Nigerian Army denies water shortage claims in Maimalari Cantonment



The Nigerian Army has dismissed reports circulating on social media alleging harsh living conditions for soldiers stationed at the Maimalari Cantonment in Maiduguri.

Sahara Reporters, a news outlet, published a statement on June 12th claiming soldiers lacked electricity, water, and other essential amenities.

The Headquarters 7 Division, leading Operation Hadin Kai in the region, has labelled these reports 'false and malicious.'

Lieutenant Colonel Ajemasu Jingina, Deputy Director of Army Public Relations for 7 Division, stated the Cantonment enjoys a 'regular supply of electricity and water.'

He elaborated that both boreholes and piped water systems are functional, and maintained by the Cantonment Maintenance Group.

Lieutenant Colonel Jingina urged the public and soldiers to disregard the reports, claiming they were a 'campaign of calumny' designed to undermine Operation Hadin Kai leadership and cause discord among troops.

Soldiers engaged in the fight for regional peace were encouraged to 'remain disciplined, steadfast, and loyal' in the face of this 'ill-intended report.'

The Nigerian Army maintains these reports are 'falsehoods' and should be disregarded.

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