Local Government Autonomy, sustainability and undue interference: The problem of local council in Nigeria by Digma Zubairu



Local government autonomy in Nigeria is a critical issue that revolves around the concept of sustainability. When local governments are established in Nigeria, one of the fundamental prerequisites for their creation is ensuring their sustainability. This means that a local council must have the capacity to survive and thrive independently.

Revenue derivation plays a crucial role in determining the sustainability of any local government. Local councils are exclusively tasked with managing markets, motor parks, and various taxes and levies that contribute to their revenue generation. This revenue is essential for supporting the livelihood of the council and enabling it to carry out its functions effectively.

However, one of the challenges faced by local governments in Nigeria is the issue of undue interference in revenue derivation by the state governments. In some instances, there are reports of state governments hijacking the revenue generated from markets, motor parks, and other sources that are meant to sustain local councils. This interference not only undermines the financial autonomy of local governments but also violates the constitutional rights and obligations of local councils.

The constitutional framework in Nigeria recognizes the importance of local government autonomy and fiscal independence. The 1999 Constitution of Nigeria provides for the establishment of democratically elected local government councils and mandates them to operate as autonomous entities with the power to generate and manage their revenue. However, the reality on the ground often deviates from these constitutional provisions, leading to challenges in ensuring the sustainability of local governments.

The lack of financial autonomy and sustainable revenue sources can hinder the ability of local governments to provide essential services and meet the needs of their communities. It can also contribute to inefficiency, corruption, and mismanagement within the local government system. Without a reliable source of revenue and the freedom to manage it effectively, local councils may struggle to fulfill their mandate and serve the interests of the people they represent.

Addressing the issue of local government autonomy in Nigeria requires a concerted effort by all stakeholders, including the federal, state, and local governments, as well as civil society organizations and the general public. It is essential to uphold the principles of fiscal federalism, decentralization, and good governance to ensure that local governments can function independently and sustainably.

By promoting transparency, accountability, and respect for the rule of law, Nigeria can create an enabling environment for local governments to thrive and fulfill their roles effectively. Ensuring that local councils have access to sustainable sources of revenue and are protected from undue interference will be crucial in advancing the development agenda at the grassroots level and promoting democratic governance across the country.

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